While working on a QlikView project I was presented with an troublesome problem where I was trying to map some codes to a set of descriptions but the mapping was based on a pattern string. So I have a list that looks something like this…
Department Pattern | Description |
ORT* | Orthopedics |
VAS* | Heart & Vascular |
CATH* | Heart & Vascular |
*FAM* | Family Services |
This is a highly abbreviated list but I think you’ll get the idea. I went looking for a mapping function that would help me match the pattern strings and I found two mapping functions ApplyMap() and MapSubstring(). I know ApplyMap won’t help me because it does an exact match and MapSubstring does not really do the job either because it will match a partial string but not a pattern.
The function that I decided to explore was WildMatch(). WildMatch is an interesting function, it requires two arguments, the first is a string usually a field that you would like to examine and then a list of pattern strings to search.
WildMatch([DeptCode], ‘ORT*’,’VAS*’,’CATH*’, ‘*FAM*’) as [Department Pattern List Number]
The WildMatch function returns a number that matches the number of the argument where the match was found and zero when there is no match. I thought if I used this function with a carefully prepared mapping table then I could achieve the “WildMap” functionality.
Step 1. Load the map as a regular table and add a row number field to the table.
RowNo() as RowNumber,
Load * Inline [
DeptPattern, DeptDesc
ORT*, Orthopedics
VAS*, Heart & Vascular
CATH*, Heart & Vascular
*FAM*, Family Services
Step 2. Concatenate the patterns into a string that will serve as the arguments for the wildmatch function. Notice that I am using the sort weight parameter in the concat function to ensure the list items are in the proper order. I am creating a simple table assigning the field value to a variable and dropping the table
Concat( chr(39) & DeptPattern & Chr(39),',',RowNumber) as PatternList
Let vDeptPatternList = FieldValue('PatternList', 1);
Drop Table PatternStrings;
Step 3. Create the mapping table.
RowNumber as Arg,
DeptDesc as Desc
Order By RowNumber;
Step 4. Use the result of the WildMatch function to determine what row in the mapping table has the desired description.
ApplyMap('DeptMap',WildMatch([DeptCode], $(vDeptPatternList)),'Not Found') as [Department Group],
Great tip. If you do not need the exception handling for unknown values, you could also consider using:
WildMatch([DeptCode], ‘ORT*’,’VAS*’,’CATH*’, ‘*FAM*’),
'Orthopedics', 'Heart & Vascular', 'Heart & Vascular', 'Family Services')
On second thought, with error handling:
WildMatch([DeptCode], ‘ORT*’,’VAS*’,’CATH*’, ‘*FAM*’) + 1,
'Unknown', 'Orthopedics', 'Heart & Vascular', 'Heart & Vascular', 'Family Services')
Always more than one way to skin a cat, I had not seen the pick function before. It is almost the exact same method, you would just have to create two variables, one for arguments and the other for descriptions.